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Mail Server

If you deploy a Mail Server for the first time, it is recommended that you click to view:

Mail Server Basics

Mail Server menu

Mail MarketingMail DomainMailboxesEmailOther Settings

Mail Marketing


Mail Marketing --> Overview

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Marketing Task

Mail Marketing --> Marketing Task

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  • Add Send Tasks: Use email content templates to send bulk emails.

  • Time : Display the time when the task was added

  • Mail Subject : Display the email subject of the email

  • Sender : Display the email address from which the email is sent

  • To : Display the number of recipients

  • Success : Display the number of successfully sent emails

  • Fail : Displays the number of emails that failed to be sent. Click to view the detailed information sent.

  • Status : Task status: Pending, Done.

  • Edit : The task is in Pending status and can be edited.

  • Send : The task is in Pending status and can be sent.

  • Remark: Display the notes for this task.

  • View : The task is in Done status, Can view the details of the task.

  • Error logs : The task is in the Done state, and an error message indicating that the email failed to be sent is displayed.

  • Delete : delete task

Add Send Tasks

Mail Marketing --> Marketing Task --> Add Send Tasks

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  • From : Select the email address to send the email to

  • Display Name: The name displayed for the sender.

  • Subject: The title displayed in the email.

  • Recipients: Select the group of email subscribers to send to; Click Create to upload a new subscriber group.

  • Email template: Select the email content template to be sent, which needs to be created in Template first.

  • Save in Outbox: Whether to save in the Outbox.

  • Unsubscribe Link: Add an unsubscribe link. The recipient clicks the unsubscribe link to opt-out from the email, which will be recorded as Unsubscribe.

  • Threads num: Automatically set the number of threads based on the number of CPU cores or manually set the number of threads for sending emails.

  • Send time: Choose the time to send.

  • Remark: Add a note for this task.

  • Send Test email to: Enter the recipient's email to send a test email and check the effect.


Mail Marketing --> Template

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  • Add Template: Add email content template, which can later be used to create tasks for sending emails through Marketing Task.

  • Name: The name of the email content template.

  • Add Time: The time the email content template was added.

  • Create task: Create a Marketing Task using the specified email content template to send emails.

  • View: View the email content template.

  • Edit: Modify the email content template.

  • Delete: Remove the email content template. Once deleted, it cannot be restored, please proceed with caution.

Add Template / Edit

Mail Marketing --> Template --> Add Template

Mail Marketing --> Template --> Edit

Create an email content template based on your needs, and use Marketing Task to add a task for sending emails with it.


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Mail Marketing --> Subscribers

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  • Subscription / Unsubscription Trends: Display the trends of email subscribers' subscriptions and unsubscriptions.

  • Import: Batch import email subscribers, supporting files in TxT and JSON formats with one entry per line.

  • Email: Display the email addresses of the subscribers.

  • Group Name: Show the group to which the email subscribers belong.

  • Add Time: The time the email subscriber was added.

  • Change List: Change group of email subscribers.

  • Unsubscription / Subscription: Change the subscription status of the email subscribers.

  • Delete: Remove email subscribers from the specified group.


Mail Marketing --> Groups

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  • Add Group: Add email subscription group, which can later be managed through Subscribers.

  • Group Name: The name of the email subscription group.

  • Subscription: Display the number of subscriptions in the email subscription group.

  • Unsubscription: Display the number of unsubscriptions in the email subscription group.

  • Add Time: The time the email subscription group was added.

  • Rename: Modify the name of the email subscription group.

  • Delete: Remove the email subscription group, including the email subscribers.

Suspend List

Mail Marketing --> Suspend List

Automatically added to the Suspend List for email sending statuses of Deferred or Bounced.

Deferred: Retry sending after a period of time. If it remains undeliverable after multiple attempts, it may change to "Bounced" status.

Bounced: When an email cannot be delivered and is returned to the sender, it is marked as "Bounced". This email has permanently failed to deliver.

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  • Refresh: Refresh the current list.

  • Clear: Clear the current list.

  • Email: Display the email addresses of the subscribers.

  • Mail Subject: Display the subject of the sent email.

  • Type: Show the type of email sent: Deferred or Bounced.

  • Status: Display the sending status of the email: Invalid, Checking.

  • Add Time: The time the email was added to the list.

  • Delete: Remove the email subscriber from the Suspend List to resend the email.

Mail Domain

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  • Add Domain : Add a new domain name to the Mail Server.

  • Refresh domain record : Refresh domain name DNS records. Generally, it takes 2 minutes or more for new records to take effect after they are added.

  • Domain name : Display domain name

  • Not in Spam List: Check if the domain is on the email Spam list immediately and on a schedule. You can enable the option Notify me when an IP/Domain is blacklisted in Other Settings to receive notifications.

  • Quota : Display the maximum usage space capacity of the domain name

  • Mailboxes : Display the number of email users of the domain name

  • Default mailbox size : Displays the default mail space capacity of the mail user of the domain name

  • Catch All : Whether to add catch all of the domain name to receive non-existent email addresses

  • SSL : Configure the SSL certificate of the domain name. It is recommended to use the pan-domain name certificate: *

  • DNS Record : Click the DNS record of the domain name and follow the prompts to add it in the domain name resolution.

  • Edit : Modify the information of this domain name

  • Delete : Delete this domain name, email users, emails, etc. will also be deleted. Please back up data to avoid data loss.

Add Domain

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  • Domain name : Enter the domain name to be added, such as:

  • A record : Enter the A record of the domain name. This A record must point to the IP of the server, such as:

  • IPs : Enter the IP address of this server

    1. The IP must be consistent with the A record of the domain name
    2. The IP is consistent in the Settings of aaPanel. If it is incorrect, please modify Server IP manually in the Settings.
  • Domain quota : Enter the space capacity limit of the domain name

  • Mailboxes : Enter the maximum number of email users to add. New email users cannot be added after exceeding the limit.

  • Catch All : Enter the email address to receive catch all. When the recipient sends a message to a non-existent email address, it will be sent to the catch all email address.

DNS Record

  • Please follow the prompts to add MX records and TXT records at the domain name provider or domain name management office.
  • PTR records are generally configured on the server provider's website, or at the server network provider.

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  • Add Mailbox : Add a new mail user

  • WebMail : To access WebMail, Need to first Setting Add WebMail website in

  • Username : Display the email address of the mail user

  • Password : Display, copy the password of the mail user

  • Login info : Copy the email user’s information, password and other information

  • Quota : Display the mail space capacity of the mail user

  • Type : Display the type of mail user: General user, Admin.

  • Status : Display the status of the mail user, disabled or enabled

  • WebMail : Log in without password or enter account information to log in to WebMail

  • Edit : Modify the information of this email user

  • Delete : If you delete this mailbox user, emails, etc. will be deleted. Please back up data first to avoid data loss.

Add Mailbox

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  • Name : Enter user name

  • Quota : Enter the mail space capacity of the mail user

  • User type : Select the type of mail user: General user, Admin.

  • Email Address : Enter the prefix of the email address

  • Email Password : Enter the password of the mail user

  • Status : User status, disabled or enabled

How to use Mail Client

Click to view How to use Mail Client



Email --> Inbox

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  • View, Spam, Delete Emails received by the specified user


Email --> Outbox

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  • View, Delete emails that the specified user has sent.


Email --> Spam

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  • View, Unmark, Delete Mark emails received by a given user as spam

Send mail

Email --> Send mail

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  • Send email using specified user

Tips: This feature is only recommended for testing the sending function. It is recommended that you use an SMTP client to send emails.

Other Settings

Common settings

Other Settings --> Common settings

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  • WebMail : Add a Roundcube website to the PHP project and manage emails through Roundcube.

  • Mail save time : Set the storage time of all emails. After this time, the emails will be permanently deleted.

  • Notify me when an lP/Domain is blacklisted :

  • Notify me when mail service is down :

  • Automatically start services : Monitor mail serverpostfix,dovecot,rspamdWhether it is running, if not, it will start automatically.

  • Service Status : Manage mail serverpostfix,dovecot,rspamdService status and configuration.


Other Settings --> BCC

BCC is a "Blind Carbon Copy" that allows sending a copy of an email to specified recipients, but hiding those recipients' email addresses from being visible to other recipients.

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  • Add BCC

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  1. Need Copy : Enter the email address of the person being BCCed

  2. Copy to : Enter the receiving email address

  3. BCC Type : Select BCC type, supported when sending and receiving emails.

  4. Active : Enable BCC

Mail forward

Other Settings --> Mail forward

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  • Add Forwardalt text

    1. Status : Enable forwarding

    2. Forwarded users : Enter the email address of the user to be forwarded

    3. Domain : Enter the forwarded domain name

    4. Receiving user : Enter the email address of the user you want to receive


Other Settings --> Backup

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  • Backup Plan : Set up an email backup plan and back up the email directory /www/vmail.

  • Mail import : Import backup to server. Can be obtained from Upload from local,Select in server, import from the backup list

Example -- Add domain to Mail Server

For example: The domain name is, the A record is, and the server IP is

This is a sample domain name; please replace it with your own domain name, A record, and server IP.

  1. Add the A record in the domain management section, pointing to the server IP AS follows:

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  2. Add the email domain in aaPanel Mail Server. As follows:

    Mail Server --> Mail Domain --> Add Domain

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    • If you receive the message A record parsing failed:

      1. Please check if the A record is correct.

      2. Please check if the Server IP that the A record points to is correct.

      3. Please check if the IP address displayed in the top left corner of aaPanel is correct. If it is not correct, please go to Setting and modify the Server IP to your server IP.

  3. After successfully adding the domain to the mail server, click on DNS Record.

    Follow the prompts to add MX, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and other records in the domain management section, as follows:

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    • MX Record: alt text

    • SPF Record: alt text

    • DKIM Record: alt text

    • DMARC Record: alt text

    • PTR Record: Generally set up at the network provider or server provider.

      The displayed name may be: Reverse DNS, PTR Records, or rDNS. Refer to Vultr: alt text

    Domain resolution records have been successfully added: alt text

    Tips: After adding the domain resolution records, it may take 1-20 minutes or longer to take effect.

    The resolution records will take effect, as follows: alt text

    You can also use this website to check if the corresponding records are effective:

  4. Deploy the SSL certificate to the domain of the Mail server

    You can refer to the tutorial in this guide for deploying the SSL certificate.

    Click to view How to apply for a pan-domain name certificate

  5. After adding the domain, you need to add email users to use the email functionality properly.

    Mail Server --> Mailboxes --> Add Mailboxe

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  6. Send a test email to verify that the functionality is working correctly.

    • Send a test email to yourself or another email address:

    Mail Server --> Email --> Send mail

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    • Check your email inbox:

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Feedback or Suggestions

If you encounter problems or suggestions during use, please contact us through the following methods:

  • (Please describe in detail or provide screenshots)
  1. Forum:

  2. Email: [email protected]