
  • ✓ Unlimited number of domains
  • ✓ Unlimited SSL certificate
  • ✓ Basic security protection
  • ✓ Full-featured file manager
  • ✓ File online editor
  • ✓ Use all free plugins
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Regular price $3330
  • Everything in Free, Pro and :
  • ✓ Professional version feature update in lifetime
  • ✓ License can change the server IP
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Plugin and package

Apache WAF
$34.80 / Month
Mitigating DDOS attacks, easily creating custom rules, protecting your website and reducing the risk of malicious attacks and data leakage
Task Manager
$34.80 / Month
Easily manage processes, startup items, users, services, scheduled tasks, ssh sessions
Load Balance
$34.80 / Month
Load balancing based on nginx, please install nginx before use
Nginx WAF
$34.80 / Month
Mitigating DDOS attacks, easily creating custom rules, protecting your website and reducing the risk of malicious attacks and data leakage, it is recommended to use Nginx 1.18 and above
Sync Tool
$19.80 / Month
Real-time/timing data synchronization tool based on rsync
Website Statistics
$34.80 / Month
Statistics and comparison of website traffic, ip, uv, pv, request, spider and other data. (Currently only supports Nginx and Apache,Ubuntu and Centos)

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