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Easily manage your personal or
company mail server

With aapanel mail server, you can easily manage the sending and receiving of multiple domains on one server

and monitor the status of sending and receiving mail in real time.

aaPanel Pro

Start aaPanel-Pro Free 14-day trial

Easy to deploy

With simple settings, you can have your own personal or company mail server

Email Statistics

aaPanel mail server can count the traffic of emails sent and received in each time period, allowing you to see your business traffic at a glance

Has the functions of most mail servers on the market

No need for high-end machines and tedious installation process, the mail server installed with aaPanel can obtain the common functions of mail servers on the market, such as CatchALL, BCC, Mail forward, junk filtering, blacklist and whitelist, etc.
aaPanel Pro

Start aaPanel-Pro Free 14-day trial



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