Now i can set the telegram setting with successful, but send notification doesn't work with me.
Information about my system and aapanel version :
aaPanel LinuxStable 6.8.29 (LATEST)
System:Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS x86_64(Py3.7.9)
when click test buttom i receive this is error {"status": false, "msg": "send complete, send result: False."}
and when check Alarm Log:
Title:[ SSH login warning],method to informe:[Telegram],recipient:[ success:Fail ] 2023-07-12 10:24:06
196.xx.xx.xx(Client IP)(Unknown IP attribution) Title:[aaPanel notifications],method to informe:[Telegram],recipient:[ success:Fail ] 2023-07-12 10:24:06
Title:[ Panel Login Alert],method to informe:[Telegram],recipient:[ success:Fail ] 2023-07-12 10:08:29