Problems with telegram are known. Use email first to see if logs are sent
How to add Telegram to panel notifications
it still not work, 1 year ago,the bug not fix
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Are you guys giving up with aapanel? I've come across two bugs that seem to be really old.
Still Aapanel is still frking good.
Not work, please check help me again.
not working here
It never worked for me, I gave up, I removed it and I'm using the warning now via email implemented in this last update.
Yeah I get your point, I like it aaPanel - just worries me a little that there's bugs that's been outstanding 2+ years!
it's working with me, you have to give the bot permissions to write messages by entering the bot settings in telegram.
When I try to add Telegram I get this error
Hello, the test version has solved this problem
Can send backup file via telegrams...?
message notification only
aaPanel_Kern notification what?
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recommended that you check the Alarm in the settings
it doesnt work im on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS aarch64(Py3.7.8)
Doesn't work What message is displayed? Is it the latest beta version?
Execute the command bt 22 to check the log
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Now i can set the telegram setting with successful, but send notification doesn't work with me.
Information about my system and aapanel version :
aaPanel LinuxStable 6.8.29 (LATEST)
System:Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS x86_64(Py3.7.9)
when click test buttom i receive this is error {"status": false, "msg": "send complete, send result: False."}
and when check Alarm Log:
Title:[ SSH login warning],method to informe:[Telegram],recipient:[ success:Fail ] 2023-07-12 10:24:06
196.xx.xx.xx(Client IP)(Unknown IP attribution) Title:[aaPanel notifications],method to informe:[Telegram],recipient:[ success:Fail ] 2023-07-12 10:24:06
Title:[ Panel Login Alert],method to informe:[Telegram],recipient:[ success:Fail ] 2023-07-12 10:08:29
check log
Yeah now it's working good
thank you so mush