1. Register a telegram account

2. go to Botfather to create a bot

After the creation is completed according to the prompt, we can obtain an apitoken
just like [ `12345677:AAAAAAAAA_a0VUo2jjr__CCCCDDD` ]

3. go to Get My ID to get our user id

4. Add telegram token and user id to the panel settings page

    17 days later

    Hello !

    After the 6.8.15 update, everytime I go to Settings I receive the telegram module error. How can I install that module, so the error go away?

    a month later

    aaP_pwawrzen shouldn't it work on panel user login ? I have these notifs activated and I receive an email, but not on telegram. hmm

      17 days later
      3 months later

      bot succesifuly conected to aapanel, and send test call, but no notifications were send, only email

      17 days later
      5 days later

      remember after connection, u need to start the bot or turn it on else it wont work

      2 months later

      An error occurred while the panel was runningļ¼
      telegram.error.BadRequest: Chat not found...
      Please fix help me. Thanks

      a month later

      aaPanel_Jose done this but...
      1,How do I test this?

      1. Could I suggest a notification after a cron backup success or an SSL renewal with success/failure?

        Hello, first set the sender and recipient in the "Notification" in the panel settings, and then set the notification in the task in cron, if not, it is not supported

          2 months later

          I activated the plugin but it doesn't work, I configured the telegram id and the bot id, but the notifications don't arrive, in the log it says it's being sent

          The CPU used [11.00%] exceeds the set threshold, among which [/www/server/mysql/bin/mariadbd --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --basedir=/www/server/mysql --datadir =/www/server/data --plugin-dir=/www/server/mysql/lib/plugin --user=mysql --log-error=/www/server/data/srv2.chatmix.com.br.err --open-files-limit=200000 --pid-file=/www/server/data/srv2.chatmix.com.br.pid --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock --port=3306] process occupies the most CPU, and the occupancy rate is 1.00%

            8 months later

            Are you guys giving up with aapanel? I've come across two bugs that seem to be really old.