hi sir i am having same issue even no cron job is running but cpu usage is 100%
how to solve i am new to this aapanel ,and don't have much idea about ![

    aapanel_power How to stop this process and how can i check how many process are going on
    is there guideline i am new to aapanel

    I also often experience this, I have a 32 core cpu ..... this happens when our website is crawled by bots

    PhongLy Hello, the server command line executes the following command to analyze and see what process occupies and consumes
    yum -y install htop && htop

    I was also facing same problem.....on my end it was due to Mysql. There was a very large DB table which was cause this problem.

    I was also facing same problem..🤦

    5 months later

    when try to execute "yum -y install htop && htop" then got this:

    There are no enabled repos.
    Run "yum repolist all" to see the repos you have.
    You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable <repo>

    10 months later

    Hello, I have same issue, so how to solve it? I dont see answer.

      Hello, please check the slow log of mysql, which SQL statement is the problem, and try to send it to the developer of the website for optimization.

      a year later

      I am using an AA panel Control panel. It is continuously increasing CPU
      and Load. Also, I used the command top and saw that
      Mysql and PHP FPM pool www is taking too many resources.
      How can I control this

      I am using this VPS server configuration
      30GB Ram
      8 CPU

        If it is mysql, php, nginx, it is recommended to check the website log to see if it has been attacked, or if mysql, php have a large number of slow logs, and if so, contact the programmer to deal with it for you;
        If you can’t analyze website logs, the software store has [Website statistics], which can be used to visually check the logs to see which website requests and accesses are currently abnormal. If a large number of requests come in within 1 second or a few seconds, there is a high probability of being hit. Yes, you can install our [nginx waf] plugin to block attacks
        Open the nginx firewall, check whether there is an attacked record, try to adjust the cc defense rule of the nginx firewall to enhanced mode, and see if the cpu has dropped.

          It's normal. With my 24GB of memory, there aren't many websites running. That's just how it is.

          I am using Apache, PHP 7.0, MySQL 5.7
          when I run the command htop

          it shows mostly CPU resources consumed by MySQL and PHP fpm pool www

          how to optimize the MySQL large database on the AA panel

          Please tell me about the Apache server tool so I can install

          why aboutMySQLl tunning

          if I update the AA panel version then a loss of existing data or not coz sometimes PHP, and MySQL don't start in AAPanel

          Hello, what is your operating system? What is the system version?
          The update of the panel does not affect the data of the website
          It is recommended that you check whether you have been attacked