Hi, i have one Node JS project with Nuxt JS, everytime i update the project like the folder or recreated a folder, then i restart the project, it not reflecting the change, like it caching the folder, i have hard reload the website but it still same,

that is how it work or i missed something?

Thank you!

    Nuxt.js uses a build process to generate the server and client bundles. If you modify files (like adding/removing a folder) without rebuilding the project, the changes may not reflect.

    Ensure you rebuild the Nuxt.js project after making changes.
    npm run build
    npm run start

      if i modify directly the build project, then i run again npm run build at server folder, should it reflect the changes, or i should npm run build everytime code at development change ?

      if use approach two, it should recreate the folder and recreate the nodejs project again, that's what i do until now...




        it seem not changed, i have restart, and reload, but it keep same


        If you're modifying a build project directly (the compiled/dist folder from npm run build), those changes might not reflect the way you expect without rebuilding the project.

        Try to Disable or clear the build cache by modifying the nuxt.config.js file.

        build: {
          cache: false

        Nuxt.js uses an internal build cache to optimize performance; sometimes, stale files can persist.


          alright, but before that, last night i try to delete all folder of my node js projects, i restarted it, and it doesn't reflect the changes, the website still accessible without the folder project, but when i try to modify PHP project, it instantly reflect the changes.

          I'll try to set the build cache to false and see how it goes



          i have set this code
          i cannot find your options to set

          build: {
              cache: false

          in nuxt.config.ts, so i try to search in https://nuxt.com/docs/api/nuxt-config#buildcache

          i set it, and deploy it, i try a little test where i modified one route to throw createError when user access it, save it, restart the project, when i try to access in my website, the changes wont work..

          idk whats wrong, maybe this is how vite build works ?

          i don't care about redeploying with recreate the project everytime, after all i just afraid to lose my SEO website ugh..., everytime my website is on first page search engine, when i redeploy again with recreate the project to update, the website is disappear again, maybe there another approach to solve this...

          try build in vercel or netlify, do same config as in your vps with aaPanel. you can see different, but, in aaPanel you must build manually.

            aaP_iqronegoro0 depend on your situation, i just say, 'test' it in other place, your nuxt js project, your application is running or not, try vercel or netlify, we can see errors build if your code is bad.


              absolutely not, this project has puppeteer that will not run in vercel / netlify due to limitation, indeed if my project is normal ,it should work with no problem.. therefore i deploy in my own server, but my another project without puppeteer still not reflect the changes, different from netlify / vercel that listen to push github then redeploy newest change....

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