4 months later

Hello, is it working smoothly? Has this cURL issue been fixed?
I want to migrate to OpenLiteSpeed, I am currently using nginx, but I am afraid given the problems reported above.

I appreciate it.

    rafamarchetti if you came from "nginx" it will be some error that you must fix it manually since the nginx and OLS have some (big) different
    but if you came from apache, i think you will fine

    4 months later
    7 months later

    +rep for the tutorial. Since aaPanel at the current state lacks a built-in firewall for Openlitespeed, We wordpress users wouldneed Wordfence protection. In the future, I wish aaPanel team can add more features/supports to Openlitespeed Webserver.

    10 months later

    @Stealth Thank You So Much
    now im thinking that i wasted a long time with nginx, OLS is highly recommended

      Yes, on all webservers have OLS. Plus can restart webserver without outtage 0 sec).

      7 days later

      @Stealth Please can you share how to install/enable redis with LiteSpeed cache plugin? do i need to install redis server + redis php extension? or only redis php extension? im nit confused, hope you will guide me thanks

        Yes, its a free plus, I think You can install it automatically in aaPanel only click on add Redis extension. When no, he warn You to before install in App manager.
        Dont forget set password too and limit memory for Redis (example of 8GB ram is 2,5GB). Redis can eat 6GB and more without problem.
        In Wordpress plugin Litespeed cache set a database key for each site (start from 0, 1, 2... to 16 in default).
        I try before free Redis WP plugin but without paying for premium is terrible(not max speed) . Litespeed plugin make all work perfectly at maximum.