aaP_thomas_marcelino Good afternoon. Is aaPanel compatible with ARM technology? I have a server on Oracle Ubuntu, but it is ARM, will it be possible to use it?
aaP_hareeshnarayan1982 aaP_thomas_marcelino I'd been using aapanel with hetzner ARM server for last 1 year without problem on Ubuntu 20.04.
aaP_thomas_marcelino aaP_hareeshnarayan1982 I'm having problems installing MariaDB, it says OK, but I haven't installed anything. Ubuntu 22.04.4
aaP_hareeshnarayan1982 aaP_thomas_marcelino I don't use ARM for DB, uses it for all front end related deployment.
aaP_thomas_marcelino aaP_hareeshnarayan1982 In this case, on Ubuntu 22.04 I cannot install MariaDB nor Mysql. What to do? Upload a database in Docker and point it as remote?
aaP_hareeshnarayan1982 [unknown] Before that you can try with Ubuntu 20.04, its the most compatible OS for aaPanel.
esyede [unknown] It seems like AaPanel ships with the standard (x8/x64) version of MySQL. My best bet is that you need to either: Dockerized your own MySQL -arm inside the aapanel, or Dowload & compile MySQL-arm manually Purchase another (x86/x64) server just for MySQL Test & use anything else other than MySQL
aaP_thomas_marcelino esyede Good morning, I installed Ubuntu 20.04 and it ran fine, now Redis is missing, it just keeps loading... it doesn't install
aaPanel_Kern Hello, please check if it is normal under Configuration? If it is not normal, please reinstall php aaP_thomas_marcelino