• Discussion
  • How to reset password for aaPanel Linux 6.x

are you want to telling about it or not
check this error, but I don't understand it.

Hello, use the ssh tool to log in to the server and execute commands with root privileges
rm -f /www/server/panel/data/ssl.pl && bt reload
If you cannot use the ssh tool to connect, please go to the server provider's website to use vnc


I use the ssh tool to log in to the server and execute commands with root privileges
rm -f /www/server/panel/data/ssl.pl && bt reload
Now it working Fine.

I forgot my AApanel password, and I followed the instructions, but I still can't login with the reset password.

please guide me
I use Ubuntu OS

    9 months later
    a month later

    I change admin password via bt command with bt 5, but i got error:

    Pls enter new password: myPassword32
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/www/server/panel/tools.py", line 801, in <module>
      File "/www/server/panel/tools.py", line 621, in bt_cli
      File "/www/server/panel/tools.py", line 76, in set_panel_pwd
        result = sql.table('users').where('id=?',(1,)).setField('password',public.password_salt(public.md5(password),uid=1))
      File "/www/server/panel/class/public.py", line 2948, in password_salt
      File "/www/server/panel/class/public.py", line 2925, in chdck_salt
        pdata['password'] = md5(md5(u_info['password']+'_bt.cn') + salt)
    TypeError: string indices must be integers

    Please help me, because i cant login to web panel.

      Hello, is the username and password displayed correctly when executing the command bt 14 using the ssh tool?

      the server does snapshot backup first.
      Try to find under /www/backup/panel/ latest compressed files Then extract out to find the data/default.db The file cover /www/server/panel/data/default.db The restart the panel again whether can solve?
      For example, the decompressed file is stored in /www/backup/panel/2023-08-17/data/default.db

      cp /www/server/panel/data/default.db /www/server/panel/data/default.db_bak
      cd /www/backup/panel/
      unzip 2023-08-17.zip
      cp 2023-08-17/data/default.db /www/server/panel/data/default.db
      bt restart
      21 days later

      hello, I did not change my password but now it is not working. how can i reset it knowing that i do not have ssh access ?

        12 days later
        7 days later
        a month later
        3 months later

        Hello, mac os installation is not supported. It is recommended to use a virtual machine or server for installation experience.


        3 months later