• Discussion
  • PrestaShop installation requires the zip extension to be enabled.


We must remove all disabled default php functions or a specific php function?


But this system seems to be developed using php. Do you have php turned off for migration?

  • md01 replied to this.



    What php functions to disable?

    Could you give us a PrintScreen?




    To solve my problem, maybe prestapyt is one of the solutions

    Prestapyt is a library for Python to interact with the PrestaShop's Web Service API. (I have the possibility of generating an API key on prestashop).
    Similar to PSWebServiceLibrary.php, prestapyt is a thin wrapper around the PrestaShop Web Service: it takes care of making the call to your PrestaShop instance's Web Service, supports the Web Service's HTTP-based CRUD operations.

    Can you tell me how to integrate prestapyt with aapanel?



      If you want to install it in a separate environment of the panel, you can execute the following command

      btpip install prestapyt

      • md01 replied to this.



        Thanks for your feedback.

        We must allow the following outgoing & incoming connections:

        HTTP 80 / HTTP 443 / FTP 21 / TCP 3306, all these types of HTTP requests must be authorized: POST, PUT, GET, DELETE, HEAD.


        Thanks for your feedback.

        We must allow the following outgoing & incoming connections:

        HTTP 80 / HTTP 443 / FTP 21 / TCP 3306, all these types of HTTP requests must be authorized: POST, PUT, GET, DELETE, HEAD.

        How can we implement it on aapanel?


          We would like to know if the 5 methods GET, POST, PUT DELETE and HEAD are they accepted by aapanel?
          How to do it?



          in aaPanel ,you can released in the [Security] page,

          If you have a security group, you also need to be released in the security group

          6 days later

          Does your database follow the necessary requirements?

          5 months later

          aaPanel_Jose I have updated and
          Basic Information
          Version 7.3.22 Install Path /www/server/php/
          php.ini /www/server/php/73/etc/php.ini
          Loaded Core date libxml openssl pcre sqlite3 zlib bcmath ctype curl dom filter ftp gd gettext hash iconv intl json mbstring SPL session pcntl standard PDO mysqlnd pdo_sqlite bz2 posix Reflection pdo_mysql shmop SimpleXML soap sockets sodium mysqli sysvsem tokenizer xml xmlreader xmlrpc xmlwriter imap fileinfo memcached redis apcu imagick exif xsl swoole yac readline snmp ldap recode enchant pspell Phar sysvshm calendar gmp wddx sysvmsg ionCube Loader Zend OPcache xdebug

          MySQL No MySQLi Yes PDO-MySQL Yes
          SqlServer No PDO-SqlServer No Sqlite3 Yes
          PDO-Sqlite Yes PgSQL No PDO-PgSQL No
          MongoDB No

          Zend OPcache Yes Redis Yes Memcache No
          Memcached Yes apcu Yes xcache No

          Encryption and decryption library
          Zend Optimizer No Zend Guard Loader No ionCube Loader Yes
          SourceGuardian No Mcrypt No OpenSSL Yes
          Iconv Yes

          Image processing library
          EXIF Yes GD library Yes ImageMagick Yes

          Network Communication Library
          cURL Yes Swoole Yes Sockets Yes

          File and string processing libraries
          Xmlrpc Yes FileInfo Yes Ftp Yes
          Mbstring Yes bz2 Yes xsl Yes

          Other third-party libraries
          xDebug Yes phalcon No yaf No