aaPanel_Jose dannylank subdmoain dns you can set where you bought the domain name when you create the site, the site root folder will auto create i think i don't understand what you need, can you explain detailed?
dannylank I have a domanin with wordpress, but we need a subdomain in other folder with other wordpress instance installed with differente database, I need redirect the subdomain to specific folder. But I Create a subdomain but the I don't know the option to root this subdomain to specific folder
aaPanel_Jose dannylank You only need to fill in your subdomain in a one-click deployment. bbb.com is an existing instance, subdomain.bbb.com is an instance added later, the domain names, files, and databases they use are independent.
rudyjatmiko aaPanel_Jose I have done doing this intruction.. but I can't acces my subdomain... what is missing??
amith912 aaPanel_Jose how to fix this one [16-Sep-2020 15:46:33] [pool www] pid 4897 script_filename = /www/wwwroot/website.com/get-mp3.php [0x00007fac3d01d520] readfile() /www/wwwroot/website.com/get-mp3.php:24 [16-Sep-2020 15:46:43] [pool www] pid 4520 script_filename = /www/wwwroot/website.com/music/open.php [0x00007fac3d020ed0] session_start() /www/wwwroot/website.com/includes/config.php:3 [0x00007fac3d020470] INCLUDE_OR_EVAL /www/wwwroot/website.com/music/open.php:3
amith912 how to fix this one [16-Sep-2020 15:46:33] [pool www] pid 4897 script_filename = /www/wwwroot/website.com/get-mp3.php [0x00007fac3d01d520] readfile() /www/wwwroot/website.com/get-mp3.php:24 [16-Sep-2020 15:46:43] [pool www] pid 4520 script_filename = /www/wwwroot/website.com/music/open.php [0x00007fac3d020ed0] session_start() /www/wwwroot/website.com/includes/config.php:3 [0x00007fac3d020470] INCLUDE_OR_EVAL /www/wwwroot/website.com/music/open.php:3
jkjunction hello how i can install wordpress in the main ip adress on aapanel? because its show up site not found
aaPanel_Jose jkjunction If you want to use ip to access your website, you can add ip address through website management --> domain name management
Dhanamerdeka jkjunction just register https on the website menu... you can use let's encrypt with aapanel and that's simple enough for understand.... i didn't understand what you want to ask
digiqalindia How to create a subdomain. i.e my primary domain is xyz.com, I want to create a subdomain sub.xyz.com we need to create a separate domain and need to update the DNS record? or we need to create a subdomain with the domain registrar? and update A record. kindly assist Is it possible to run a laravel script from the subfolder?
Dhanamerdeka digiqalindia just create the subdomain and connect your domain to server like you connect the main domain
jkjunction Dhanamerdeka https cant be used in the IP, if you dont understand what i ask please understand if HTTPS to IP its very expensive
digiqalindia my primary domain xyz.com working need subdomain sub.xyz.com guide me on how to create and update DNS records
Dhanamerdeka digiqalindia nah you can try solution above me... you just need to add record to your domain.... on me using namecheap so i need to add sub.xyz.... to the namecheap and yeah... domain connected
idflorin I assume that your domain anndas.cf is already added on the VPS For you subdomain DNS you need an A record added in your DNS manager Resource record TTL Type Priority Data sub.anndas.cf 86400 A 0 Now create the subdomain from "Add site" . https://prnt.sc/w83dby