gurch Hi, today i have set up DNS with bind and named, everything seemed to be fine until dns manager started doing some wrong things, when i want to enter my host name it says that failed and automatically crushes named when i check it by systemctl, and my websites are not shown too.
aaPanel_Jose Hello,gurch What did you do to cause this problem? Is dns unable to resolve the domain name now? If the dns server is not working, enter the following command to check which configuration is the problem /usr/sbin/named-checkconf -t /var/named/chroot -z
alialian hareth35 Hello, can I say your problem is solved? When I saw the Persian domain, I said that you must have used Nick, I added a domain with the same methods, but it was not set on the domain. Now, after 4 or 5 hours, you have found a problem.
TheWormsUnited hareth35 You can inspect the DNS settings to get correct anything, please check this website:
aaPanel_Jose alialian Please use English for communication. In addition, has your nameserver set the specified ip (your server ip) on the domain name provider?