Through the aaPanel API, you can fully control all the functions of the aaPanel Linux panel.
In fact, all the functions used after the user logs in to the panel are also docked through the same interface, which means that if you are familiar with the browser debugger, you can easily Complete a third-party front-end docking against the operational parameters of the aaPanel Linux panel.

API documentation (unfinished):

    2 months later

    Did plugin can be managed by API? For example DNS Manager plugin. Because after create a website, I want the domain automatically configured in DNS Manager. Can activate SSL via API?

      8 days later
      2 months later

      how to blacklist IP with rest api ? (in Firewall)

      a month later
      4 months later
      23 days later

      Is it possible to let us know how are you encoding responses in the panel? Some API methods are not documented in API and I am using chrome inspector to inspect API calls. However, it seems API responses are now encrypted and hence not possible for me to document them.

      Could you help here, please? @aaPanel_Jose

      10 days later

      Tried with adding bearer token in api but it gives api forbidden isssue {"name":"Forbidden","message":"Login Required","code":0,"status":403,"type":"yii\web\ForbiddenHttpException"} on other server it is working fine but on aa panel it gives this issue with apis

      a month later

      Hi, i can install an App via API?

      23 days later

      Is this api documentation up to date? I will integrate aapanel in my services and it will be integrated with whmcs.

      6 days later

      In the API I didn't find a reference for the login area, can you help us?

      4 months later
      18 days later