sorry for asking this is AGAIN AND AGAIN
but. really, somehow i need it.
on past, well i think i didn't even need for multi user, until nowdays that i and my friend decide to make some new project. and with that we will use VPS. because i know aapanel. i will use it to manage the VPS. and the problem appear.
since we split the vps bill and decide to use vps together, somehow i need the multi user feature.
does Aapanel still doesn't have that feature? or that kind of feature will never added on Aapanel?
i think the only things that need to be added just add multi user for login on the panel, and manage "their own" resource.
there's 2 user on aapanel
1 user is me (superadmin or whatever you gonna call it)
1 other user is my friend (ordinary admin or whatever you want to call it)
i can acces all of aapanel without any restriction.
and my friend can only manage or edit anything that he added. example they added "sites" and "databases"
from now on, they can open filemanager but only on their sites (he can't see or touch any files from sites that i create)
also they can login into phpmyadmin but only on databases that they create
and last we can decide how much resource that they allowed to store on panel. example my part is 30GB and his part is 15GB so they can do anything until 15GB
is that feature possible? i think maybe on future update...?
well i agree with people that says "Current AAPanel is already enough and simple" i totally agree with that. but i not gonna alone forever, sometimes.... some of us maybe have some partner project. so we can split the bill and use the resource together to maximize all things that already present....
i hope admin see this, and yeah. i know that this all is easy to say, but difficult to do... coding something like that already make pain in the ass... but but. maybe with this things can also make "aapanel" market more big. since we not came from individual people but also from a team...
so with that explanation... is aapanel still focusing creating other important feature or already working on that's thing?
last time i read something on this forum, they says that this feature will "never" added....
does that still same on 2021?