Last night I saw banner of aaPanel in mobile forum and I found that here,
Would you please give me a full comparison between these there control panel?
aaPanel vs Cyber Panel vs Webmin,Virtualmin
aaPanel vs Cyber Panel vs Webmin,Virtualmin
Hmm from what i know i
aapanel, can do anything... i mean you can use it for laravel, basic php with apache, openlitespeed, or nginx
you can edit all of the php and create multi php
more setting on firewall and other's
on otherhand cyberpanel from what i read i know from my friend, they focus only with openlitespeed. but if you have openlitespeed on aapanel. you still can do anything from config
and more rich setting yet still simple if you using aapanel...
for webmin and other if i can copypaste it on here
Webmin is a system administration tool that makes it simpler for admins to manage their Linux boxes.
Virtualmin is a module that sits on top of Webmin, that provides functionality for non-root users to manage their shared hosting accounts.
that's it
well... i using aapanel from start when i learning vps until now i understand it.
i can't compare it to another. but the big different is aapanel more rich on feature. fast booth on community (answering your problem) and fast on performances
idk what other people do with aapanel, but for my case. i using openlitespeed + ip throttling, and can bear alot amount of visitor at once. that's what make me very happy with aapanel
direct admin can't do that
maybe that's all i can inform to you
Dhanamerdeka idk what other people do with aapanel, but for my case. i using openlitespeed + ip throttling, and can bear alot amount of visitor at once. that's what make me very happy with aapanel
Can you show me how to do this? my aaPanel+OpenLiteSpeed configuration can't even handle 20clients/second
But on CyberPanel it goes all the way to 5000clients/second.
deewinc maybe you can see it on my profile. old post. i have throttle setting that works on openlitespeed
the great things for cyberpanel is they have builtin setting (already have ip throttle)
on aapanel. you start clean.
you should configure it from start
Thank you
I knew about them , I need the compare between them
Would you please give me the link because I couldn't find that in your profile.
- Edited
Dhanamerdeka maybe you can see it on my profile. old post. i have throttle setting that works on openlitespeed
the great things for cyberpanel is they have builtin setting (already have ip throttle)on aapanel. you start clean.
you should configure it from start
I guess so. Some configurations are missing on aaPanel. I have found it thanks. Have you done any stress tests on your server using LOADER.IO?
Any other configurations you may have on aaPanel to boost OLS performance?
aaP_raha_ab1988 Would you please give me the link because I couldn't find that in your profile.
Here's the thread
deewinc ahh thanks to mention that thread on here...
btw for stress test. someone on past already test it with complete image
but until now i didn't find it
if i not forget, when i first time using aapanel and register on aapanel, i commented on their post. but i couldn't find it...
well... it's just comparing OLS VS Apache VS nginx
in short, for larger visitor ols have great response time and lower timeout
for the setting maybe they can duplicate my setting it allright, maybe some tweak also will works depend to the server
Dhanamerdeka btw for stress test. someone on past already test it with complete image
I wish I could find it.
Tried to use your settings and it fails the stress test. =(