As of the moment the server has closed all sites, the log error is below
/www/server/total/lsqlite3.so: invalid ELF header
stack traceback:
[C]: at 0x7f040d8c89e0
[C]: in function 'require'
log_by_lua(nginx_log.lua:1148):8: in function <log_by_lua(nginx_log.lua:1148):1> while logging request, client:, server: sonsuzkaynak.com, request: "GET /kategori-yazilim-araclari HTTP/1.0", host: "sonsuzkaynak.com"
2021/04/25 05:23:59 [error] 14200#0: *7201 failed to run log_by_lua*: error loading module 'lsqlite3' from file '/www/server/total/lsqlite3.so':
/www/server/total/lsqlite3.so: invalid ELF header