• Support
  • nginx 1.19.7 keep showing update


I have aapanel running on debian 10 server.
On the appstore for nginx it shows update.I have done this twice, it does update.
But still it shows button for update?
Nginx version 1.19.7.
What to do?

Amit I'm very sorry for the trouble. This is our updated small problem. There is currently no new version of nginx1.9 available for update.

This problem has been resolved, please refresh through ‘appstore’-‘update app list’ to return to normal.

same as what I experienced..sy use panel version 6.8.8 and nginx 1.9.7 ..... even though I also clicked on update apt list..but it still says update ..

    Hamka Sorry, after clicking ‘update app list’, try to execute ‘ctrl+f5’ and “shift+f5” to refresh the browser.

      aapanel_sniper I have done that brother ... but there is still an update written 🙏
      Im use nginx 1.19.7 ..and panel version 6.8.8


      Thanls,it has been resolved 🙂