• Support
  • Unable to Login at Terminal in AAPanel

I was not able to log in to the AAPanel's terminal using a password nor SSH private key.

I had generated a new SSH key for the server using the SSH-Keygen command and that added a passphrase. Did this using SSH Console of server provider.

I am able to login using SSH Keys via Putty on my computer, but when I try to access the AAPanel's terminal, these errors are here. Can anyone guide me to fix it?

unknown error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "class/ssh_terminal.py", line 113, in connect
pkey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(p_file)

File "/www/server/panel/pyenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paramiko/pkey.py", line 256, in from_private_key
key = cls(file_obj=file_obj, password=password)

File "/www/server/panel/pyenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paramiko/rsakey.py", line 52, in initself._from_private_key(file_obj, password)
File "/www/server/panel/pyenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paramiko/rsakey.py", line 179, in from_private_key data = self.read_private_key("RSA", file_obj, password)

File "/www/server/panel/pyenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paramiko/pkey.py", line 334, in read_private_key
data = self.
read_private_key_pem(lines, end, password)

File "/www/server/panel/pyenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paramiko/pkey.py", line 386, in _read_private_key_pem raise PasswordRequiredException("Private key file is encrypted") paramiko.ssh_exception.PasswordRequiredException: Private key file is encrypted

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    a year later

    aaPanel_Jose It has been more than a year now. Please add support for sshkeys with password.

    a year later

    Hi aaPanel_Jose
    Has this issue been fixed?

    I have had this problem for years now and it is very annoying having to go to Putty to allow login by password temporarily just so I can use the Terminal. Then when I finish I remove the logging by password again.

    I have to do this operation each time I want to use the Terminal, it's quite long and dangerous as during that time some can try to hack my server.

    I just want to log in to the Terminal with the (SSH Private Key + passphrase) that I created on Putty.
    Note: I have no issues when I log in through Putty, only in aaPanel Terminal.

    What are the alternatives to make it easier to work in the Terminal without having to activate login by Password on Putty each time?

      5 days later
      a year later


      Hi Kern

      Sorry for the late response as I missed your post 🙂

      This is still an issue for me.

      I generated the Key in Putty and I can log in without any problems on putty.
      Also, I converted the format of the Putty Private key to the OpenSSH key using this steps here:

      Then when I tried it on aaPanel Terminal it worked as shows a successful login but I could not do anything because it showes:
      Unsupported authentication type: B


      One quick note:
      Is that Im not trying to log in as a root because I disabled it in Putty, Im trying to log in with my user that has sudo rights. Not sure if this makes any difference?
      I generate a Private Key in putty + Paraphrase to login with that user name.

      I finally got it to work after years of trying ))

      There were two problems:

      1-The IP I was entering the Server IP 192.85,46.... but never worked and I stumbled in one comment today that mentioned to enter instead
      And it worked

      2-Also, my Private key was RSA so aaPanel doesn't accept it, so I had to convert it to an "OpenSSH Key" format by using the "Putty Generator" and it worked finally:

      I have been years trying (on & off) but never worked till today changing those two things.