JAY @aaPanel_Jose can you have make a option while installing nginx have option to select modules and install and have a option under nignx app configuration option to disable and enable modules
tkumarpatna i installed ngx_pagespeed module as per upper tutorial but when i check my domain header in chrome or any browser ngx_pagespeed not showing.
aapanel_power deewinc Hello, this is the tutorial to add the extension, add the extension how to use, you need to learn yourself
aaP_4dedisusanto i installed ngx_pagespeed module as per upper tutorial but when i check my domain header in chrome or any browser ngx_pagespeed not showing. How do you configure nginx configuration?
aaP_rogovoy2013 This guide is no longer up to date. Doesn't work anymore. Please update the data. It is very necessary to configure the module mod_pagespeed on nginx