Hello I found the panel very good, but I am facing some problems. I installed a Wordpress site that is running normally. So I tried to install a system in a subdomain that runs on Laravel but I'm facing the following problems ...
1 - The system subdomain is redirecting to the Wordpress website.
2 - When I use subdomain.example.com/install to install the system give 404 Not Found
Please, can anyone help me?

    Hello Neto
    If your Laravel subdomain name has not applied for an SSL certificate, you cannot use https to access it

    • Neto replied to this.

      Hello SSL is installed correctly in the subdomain.
      Could it be another factor that is affecting the smooth running?

      aaPanel_Jose Hello SSL is installed correctly in the subdomain.
      Could it be another factor that is affecting the smooth running?

      aaPanel_Jose Hello the current rewrite URL is as follows, is it correct?

      rewrite ^./files/(.)$ /wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$1 last;
      if (!-e $request_filename){
      rewrite ^.+?(/wp-.) $1 last;
      rewrite ^.+?(/.
      .php)$ $1 last;
      rewrite ^ /index.php last;

        This kind of problem is more difficult to guess, if you can, please send the panel login information to jose@aapanel.com and I will arrange a time to check it for you

        • Neto replied to this.

          This is because your running directory is not set
          You need to set the run directory to /public