• Support
  • Are you ever planning on hosting the installation files somewhere public?

Hello all,

So I came across aaPanel a while ago and started using it today.
However, what worries me is the fact that I fully depend on your servers.

If you are down or hijacked, I'm risking to not be able to maintain my panel as well as risking to download infected files affected by a hijacker on your side.

Also we never know if you might go bankrupt in the future and causing us the same issue of not being able to maintain our panel.

Are there any plans to host your installation files in a public place like Github?
I prefer not to depend on your servers, it sounds harsh but it's a valid question.

Kind regards,

    Ah interesting, thanks! Instead of running their bash install script from their site, I can run init.sh. Good!
    So what about installing plugins from the AppStore? These are still installed from an external source (aaPanel's servers) I assume?

      The plug-in is not pushed to github, but the source code of the free plug-in is also public and not encrypted