I'm trying to deploy a Next.js 15 project on AaPanel, but I'm facing an issue with the production build. Here’s what I did:

Installed all dependencies from package.json using the One Key Install from aaPanel.
Ran next dev --turbopack, which works fine.
Tried to run next build, but it gets stuck at this point:

▲ Next.js 15.1.6
- Environments: .env.local

Creating an optimized production build ...

    Hello, I suggest you check if you can connect to the official npm?
    curk https://registry.npmjs.org/
    If you cannot connect, you need to set up a local node repository source


      aaPanel_Kern I have run the project in production environment by building it on local system, then I uploaded the files with .next, Now the project is running, but the problem is It’s getting stopped automatically after a certain hours, then I have to start it manually