I have a WordPress website on my VPS (running on aaPanel). I've been running this website on aaPanel since the year 2019.
I never had these issues with the RAM in the past.
The website doesn't have so many daily visitors, but it seems that there are some misconfigurations or issues in the VPS infrastructure. The database size is only 651.72 MB; I use the latest version of WP.
The website uses a tremendous amount of RAM: 88 GB. It's a shared VPS. I was told that the high usage is coming from PHP-FPM processes. I was also told that VPS has too many PHP-FPM processes configured. Another developer thinks that the issue is coming from the MySQL daemon.
So I asked several qualified developers, and it seems that they have no idea… I'm desperate, and I was told that maybe I should use another server panel. But I don't want to. I firmly believe in aaPanel!
Can you help me to localize the issue and lower the RAM usage?
Thank you in advance
Best Regards