riyadhul i use debian 11 with GUI, install aapanel.. everything is ok.. but every i install mail server it made google chrome error cannot run.. i've tried it for many times..install mail server on linux dekstop make google chrome crash..is it bug?
aaPanel_Kern Hello, when installing the mail server, you will install postfix, Dovecot, and rspamd, which are all official software. Not sure if it affects Google Chrome. It is recommended that you check if there is any error message riyadhul
riyadhul aaPanel_Kern i've tried reinstall debian11 and aapanel for 7 times...and it get thesame error every install mail server..
aaPanel_Kern Hello, I suggest you check if there are any relevant logs? Is it normal for you to try changing to another browser? riyadhul
riyadhul aaPanel_Kern no error in the logs..everything is ok..but it made my google chrome can't run, just try it on your linux desktop..
aaPanel_Kern Hello, would you recommend changing to another browser? Is this normal? Or is it normal for you to install using a server without GUI? riyadhul
riyadhul aaPanel_Kern for another browser like mozilla it's normal..for debian without GUI it's normal...for debian with gui it's normal if mail server not installed...but if once i installed chrome mail server made chrome can't run..when i click chrome nothing show/run anything..jus loading icon a few second then disapeared..