aaP_iqronegoro0 may i know why i cant install php8.3-fpm? but when installing 8.1 vers, there is found the package?
aaP_iqronegoro0 idk why there is no sites-available and nginx folder at /etc, i have compile install but it still same,
aaPanel_Kern Hello, is the problem solved? aapanel does not support using apt to manage nginx php Does the website log contain any relevant errors? aaP_iqronegoro0
aaP_iqronegoro0 aaPanel_Kern all clear, maybe i miss understanding how aapanel managing nginx, and my low skill too, but I'll keep update for someone who may be experiencing the same issue until my deployment success
aaP_iqronegoro0 All right my app now up and can accessed, a miracle! summary what i do to deploy my inertia app that may be useful for ppl who facing same issue install lnmp default configure PHP in app store, to tab disabled functions, and disable exec, passthru, system, proc_oci, putenv, and some (i forgot) installing extension like fileinfo, mbstring and into go to terminal in folder and setup the app, like npm i and composer install (don't forget to update the composer first), generate new key setup .env like changing database and migrate it install PM2 / nodejs in appstore, maybe you can use nvm instead and use node version that compatible to your project go to website and create new project PHP in PHP Project, configure to your domain and folder... open the site modification website, go to site directory, and pointing running dir to /public, and go to URL rewrite tab, write this configuration location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args; } save it try access your website thx for your assist too
aaP_iqronegoro0 Hello, how i can deploy my php native website now? i have create subdomain http://audancer.rynn.fun/ but it cannot find, i just deploy it and set the directory project to root folder, i have index.php too, may i missed something?
aaP_iqronegoro0 my bad, subdomain need to wait to propagate online but when i created my first subdomain it online instantly, bruh
aaP_iqronegoro0 when i accessed the subdomain, it not serve correct page, instead it serve my first website! its hilarious. when i open it in PC it show correct website, but when i open it in handphone, it keep showing first website.
aaPanel_Kern Hello, please deploy SSL for the website. This is caused by using https access. aaP_iqronegoro0