aaPanel: 7.0.12
Debian 12
Since I stopped the Cut_maillog cron job about a month ago due to the btpython bug, I noticed that my server was steadily using more space - was around 9GB and is now 14.1GB. I'm looking for ways to trim this down without damaging the system. I've done the usual, vaccumed the systemd journal, cleared apt files.
Is there a way to make aaPanel delete the files below, or can I safely delete them myself? Is there anything else I can do to reduce the used space? I ran the following on 2-Dec-2024:
find / -size +10M > ~/files.txt
38 files 1.9Gb in total
I'm now running PHP-8.2 do I really need backups of PHP-7.4?:
30 files 3.8Gb in total