I have the same problem. Also I don't use dns module,
Yesterday I clicked Fix on the panel and it did not fix the problem

I use:
openlitespeed + php 8.1 + mysql 8

also openlitespeed needs this modules for stability:
lsquic 3.3.2
modgzip 1.1
cache 1.66
mod_security 1.4 (with libmodsecurity v.3.0.12)

    Hello, if it is BT-Task, you can restart aapanel first to solve the problem temporarily. We are dealing with this problem.


    5 days later
    9 days later

    aaP_admin470 is there a fix? cpu use if 358% blocked. my only one domain hosted is crawling due to this BT-Task

    Is it possible to try manual update?
    rm -f /tmp/update_to7.pl && curl -k https://node.aapanel.com/install/update_7.x_en.sh | bash
