aaPanel_Kern CPU high occurs again on bt-task hiks
bt-task cpu high
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after fixing the panel the CPU was low, but 8 hours later it rose again
Yes, we are working on this issue
aaPanel_Kern ok thanks
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I have the same problem. Also I don't use dns module,
Yesterday I clicked Fix on the panel and it did not fix the problem
I use:
openlitespeed + php 8.1 + mysql 8
also openlitespeed needs this modules for stability:
lsquic 3.3.2
modgzip 1.1
cache 1.66
mod_security 1.4 (with libmodsecurity v.3.0.12)
yep same here too got this high cpu task
For a temporary solution, set in cron every on hour:
bt restart
Hello, if you encounter the same BT-Task, please restart aapanel first. We will fix it.
I have the same problem
Hello, thank you for your feedback, we will fix it
please restart aapanel first. We will fix it.
Any update for this problem?
mine was 2 core at 100% usage, i just
bt stop
wait 10s then
bt start
Hi, I do have same problem. Is there any solution for this?
Hello, if it is BT-Task, you can restart aapanel first to solve the problem temporarily. We are dealing with this problem.
Hello, try clicking the "Fix" repair panel on the homepage interface. Can this problem be solved?
Yeah, it seems to have fixed the problem. I've been monitoring it for several days after applying the fix, and it hasn't been stuck at 100% again, as far as I can tell.
aaP_admin470 is there a fix? cpu use if 358% blocked. my only one domain hosted is crawling due to this BT-Task
clicking "fix" now make 502 bad gateway
Is it possible to try manual update?
rm -f /tmp/update_to7.pl && curl -k https://node.aapanel.com/install/update_7.x_en.sh | bash