the connection timed out and the CA server was unable to access your website!
i got this message error when renew all SSL my website
the connection timed out and the CA server was unable to access your website!
i got this message error when renew all SSL my website
Hello, using file verification requires the SSL provider to access your website to verify the file.
If you cannot access it, it is recommended to use DNS verification.
how to do that? my website can access but it fail when renew. can u help me, maybe using anydesk?
it is recommended to use DNS verification.
aaPanel_Kern the DNS already have A record. what's need setup again?
If the domain name is in CloudFlare, you can use the DNS API, otherwise you can only manually add the TXT record according to the prompts.
Adding a txt record takes a certain amount of time to take effect. During this period, do not close the txt recording window prompted by aapanel