• Discussion
  • easy way to install and run docker apps on aapanel

I've tried several methods to deploy Docker apps on aaPanel, but none of them have worked. I'm looking for the latest and easiest method. Can someone please share the best approach?

    aaPanel_Kern i was tried installing mixpost.
    1st time i tried via docker compose https://docs.mixpost.app/lite/installation/docker/#3-create-docker-compose-file but it's shows an error.

    2nd time tried via https://hub.docker.com/r/inovector/mixpost mixpost docker public image fetched by cloud image option and run via run container option. the mixpost container running but not getting website via revese proxy

      It is recommended that you provide error information.
      What information is prompted when the reverse proxy cannot be used? Do the relevant websites have access logs and error logs?
