maulanadioo Hello, i was use Nginx as proxy with my nodejs app, for example proxied to but it take 4seconds to return. when direct to IP like its only 90ms why nginx make it to slow ?
aaPanel_Kern Hello, if it is deployed on the same server, it is recommended that you use Need to go through the Internet through the server IP maulanadioo
maulanadioo when access direct to my upblic IP with port, its fast, when trying to proxy it, to slow. am I make a mistake ?
maulanadioo I dont know why, this is happend only for new domain, old domain still fast in same server and same code, only different domain. im using aapanel 7.0.7
aaPanel_Kern Hello, it is recommended that you check whether the new domain name resolves directly to the server's IP and does not use CDN, CloudFlare, etc. maulanadioo