• Discussion
  • How to Host a multiple websites on one server with aapanel

I would like to know hot to host multiple websites with aapanel on contabo vps.
and setup subdomaines.
exemple :

  • domaine1.com ==> website 1 / sub.domaine.com ==> sub website 1
  • domaine2.com ==> website 2
  • domaine3.com ==> website 3

    Hello, yes.
    I personally recommend that you create a new site with a different domain name and point it to the relevant directory.
    Or create a subdomain under site configuration


      aaP_zawayavision You can create as many websites, you want from the "Website" tab visible at top of the left sidebar. However, I wonder if your question is not this one instead: Is aaPanel supports multi-users, each one being able to create his own set of domains with a private access to his own admin panel (the same way you reach your own panel when you have some hosted sites at a hosting company)? And for this second question, unless mistake (don't hesitate to tell me if I'm wrong), I'm afraid the answer is no.


        hilord No i'm the single user of my vps and aapanel, and i want just to host different websites, each website with his own domain name and installation

        a year later

        Can you explain step by step How to have several websites (i.e domain.com:8600; domain.com:8700; domain.com:8900) in one server, with ssl, and with different Php version?

          Hello, the same domain can only create one site. It is recommended that you use different sub -domain to build a website
          Or add different ports to the site configuration


          I'm just add differents ports(domain.com:8600, domain.com:8700 etc.), but when I'm putting domain:8700 then opening the site content directory of domain.com:8600. How I need to modify the config tab to access the domain:8700 content directory, and not the other one. Thanks in advance.

          This problem appears when I install the SSL protocol.