JawadHussain aaPanel_Kern the server is new and I'm uploading file on 1-3 gb size most of the site also allow video uploading on this size without ftp
aaPanel_Kern It is recommended that you check what is causing the problem. You can check website logs, error logs, and server bandwidth.
JawadHussain aaPanel_Kern you know i can upload big file in aapanel but not in a page which i made with php html js
aaP_pcdrips There is an issue with aapanel in uploading,i also face same problem.Uploading file of 50 mb cant get finished.Uploads stucks,even file with 30 mb. My server features storage of 600gb ram of 16gb and cpu of 6core
JawadHussain aaP_pcdrips your issue is far differnt from mine, im facing issue with mine code, mine code can upload this long size but cant upload the size of 1gb it reset the internet connection of the server
aaPanel_Kern aaP_pcdrips Hello, I suggest you check whether the network is fully occupied and check the network quality.
aaPanel_Kern Hello, we cannot handle the code problem. We also recommend that you check whether the timeout between nginx and php is too short. You can also use ftp to test whether the local network to server network is normal. JawadHussain
aaP_pcdrips aaPanel_Kern Which of these settings affect uploads speed? What lare recommended value for maximum speed in uploads?
aaPanel_Kern This needs to be tested by yourself. It is recommended to set 600 seconds first and restart php after setting. aaP_pcdrips