Can you please guide me how can I do that?
reverse proxy
- Create website in A server
- Create an empty site on server B using your domain name
- Add a reverse proxy on server B
Target URL:http://x.x.x.x
your server a ip
your server a domain name
- Resolve your domain name a record to server b in cloudflare
aaPanel_Jose thank you it is working fine. There an option for enable cache. Should I enable it? Any benifit ?
Caching is always good, can save much resources.
When you have Wordpress site, then Cloudflare + WPRocket or any 1 cache plugin is enough.
I enabled cache for reverse proxy but what is the recommended cache minutes hours? leave it as default 1min ?
Can someone help please? when I enable cache in reverse proxy, can't log in in wp-admin of my site.
jabr don't enable cache in reverse proxy. After enabling cache login issue comes.
- Create website in A server
- Create an empty site on server B using your domain name
Is your domain name on point number 2 a random domain or it should be the same as on point number 1?
How to fix the problem cannot login after enable cache?
Hi. Is it okay to turn off the cache?
I prefer to enable the cache
So can you log in when not enabled?
yes, after disable the cache i can login.
What error message is there when I log in after enabling the cache? Check logs and error logs
Cache these files after opening the cache gif|png|jpg|css|js|woff|woff2
You can modify the Conf to remove the affected files
The log error i should check on proxy server or main server?
need to check
Hi, i think i manage to make the reverse proxy working... i test it by typing the server B's domain(i use my direct ip) and it directs me to server A website, but the url changes to server A's domain. how to be able to show the server A content while the url still from the server B's domain?
Considering you're talking about reverse proxy and not redirect, you should be able to fine tune any detail about it. Maybe try to indicate the domain you want to display in the address bar in the headers, like this, beside the proxy_pass directive:
proxy_set_header Host server_b_domain;
hilord Hi, thanks for your suggestion, I tried this using different site with a domain name instead as the server B's domain name. but the url, still changes to server A's domain.
aaP_fallingrais but i'm curious... Why if i use https instead of http in the target url, it gives me 502 bad gateway.