kathiresan what database type and version are you using on your control panel to install Moodle?
How to install Moodle through aaPanel
In my case it depends on what kind of web server you use to install moodle. I never have successful Moodle installation with nginx. If you use apache, you should edit .user.ini to add your moodledata folder. If you use openlitespeed add your moodledata folder in website configuration file.
My configuration is this:
Ubuntu 18.04 (very slow Centos, and a lot of missing PHP extension)
MariaDB 10.4 with utf8mb4 for Moodle 3.9
PHP 7.2 (since there are a lot of missing extension if using any other PHP version)
Dear Support Team,
Very Good Evening..:-)
I would like to thank for creating an amazing web control panel. It made admin task of non Linux expert very easy using aaPanel. You have provided so many packages in App Store to install by single click.
As a customer of aaPanel, I request development team to provide MOODLE package installation in App Store of aaPanel.
Thanks in Advance..:-)
I have a problem in centos 7 with aapanel, and install Moodle say ''arent directory (/www/wwwroot/aulavirtual.registrodedescentralizacion.gob.hn) is not writeable. Data directory (/www/wwwroot/aulavirtual.registrodedescentralizacion.gob.hn/moodledata) cannot be created by the installer.''
please help me
Never too late to log a solution:
You have to append the .user.ini file in your website root folder and add the /www/wwwroot/ to the open_basedir list. Example mine was: open_basedir=/www/wwwroot/nameofmysite/:/tmp/
Changed to: open_basedir=/www/wwwroot/:/www/wwwroot/nameofmysite/:/tmp/
this will give acess to the srever user 'www' to the root folder 'wwwroot'
Hello, setting /www/wwwroot/ in this way allows everyone to access the directories and files under your /www/wwwroot/ across domains, which is very insecure. It is recommended to move additional files to /www/wwwroot/nameofmysite/, or /www /wwwroot/new_directory/
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My moodledata directory is located at: www/wwwroot/MYDOMAINNAME/moodledata
My moodle installation directory is located at: www/wwwroot/MYDOMAINNAME/moodle
My sitedirectory directory is set same as: www/wwwroot/MYDOMAINNAME/moodle
My running directory is set only as: /
whithout xss protection active the site works fine.
whit xss protection the site shows: Fatal error: $CFG->dataroot is not configured properly, directory does not exist or is not accessible! Exiting.
I want to preserve the Anti-XSS attack (Base directory limit)(open_basedir) activated in site directory config for aapanel config.
What is the correct user.ini config for open_basedir rule in my case?
Hello, for reference
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Thanks for help is done!
Looking forward to the "Single Click" Moodle installation in App Store
Hello, is there an official website?
it is a popular Open Source LMS (Learning Management System)