It's a shame, these sites and IPs have been up and working fine for years, now completely reached, can't even keep an IP up. Attacks from China, Hong Kong, and Africa. To the ip, so no way to stop them at cloud flare.

  • CQT replied to this.
  • CQT likes this.

    aaPanel_Jose we have about 3800 attacks and 122 Ips in a week from which the attacks are carried out. it definitely has something to do with Before that, we also used Openscoure Panels and it was just about 20 or 30 attacks. Since we removed aaPanel and only ran it for the test, the whole thing has normalized again to about 30 attacks.

    This only from yesterday until today 9:00 pm and today 8:40 am

    Total banned26
    Total failed18459
    Currently banned25
    Currently failed6

    Attacks take place on Dovecot, Ostfix, FTP, and web server (NGINX). Although Fail2ban, SYS Firewall and some security measures are still active. Just like CDN etc. These are not normal scans, but definitive attacks on the panel. As already said, only on aaPanel. The modules are hosted at and conclusions can be drawn about the IPS of the installed panels. We even took the IPs from other data centers so that these IPs could not be attacked explicitly. Even in other countries not Germany or Europe and yet only aaPanel web servers are attacked. I had the same thing in 2017 at since the attacks came from Croatia, Russia, China and Serbia. We quickly deleted it and it calmed down again. Since then we have avoided this panel. In my opinion, the modules should be reloaded via a proxy server, as should the installation. We are currently testing this and are already seeing some serious differences. So you have to consider where the modules are stored, on which servers, should you switch your own proxy server between? !!! Here would be the solution to install a local proxy first and then load and install aaPanel.

    gacott This is mostly done from China via VPN servers, hence from Africa

      aaPanel_Jose Yeah man. As I said, this IP has had Virtualmin on it forever. I decided to move it over, two days later, getting blasted like crazy. So much so that they shut me down. I then went to Cloudflare and created rules on the domains there, then unblocked the block they had placed on the IP. It was shut down again within 30 seconds.

      kaz050457 Certainly getting bruteforced is normal, we run 300+ VPSs ourselves. I have been doing this for years, and in years only the mail servers have been hit like this in the past. This is the first time ever for me to have my IP shutdown on a webserver. And no, I don't have the mailserver installed on this.

      kaz050457 No it is by no means normal !!

      Attacks would normally be 40-100 but not 1000 over a period of several hours.

      When we switched the proxy upstream with new IPS, it was just zero attacks. This shows that the IP is tracked and then attacked !!!!!!!!! Since it was then no longer possible to stretch the IPs via the installation

        CQT are guys using the default port? Do your server still support TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1?

          kaz050457 TLS 1.2 and 1.3 are activated as standard on our servers, the customer can no longer activate older ones!

          So, I did a little test. I just moved that exact same box to another IP. I removed all websites from it, and just let it sit there with the new IP. Less than 24 hours later, it's being attacked.

          God, I hate to say it, as I have had a guy working on something SUPER cool for this for over a week now, but until this is figured out, this panel is unusable for us. We can't have IPs keep getting shut down because they are under constant attack.

          kaz050457 yeah, we are at 1.3 on the servers and we are not using the default port. So they are either sniffing the shit out of these (doubtful) or something is telling them where these installs are, which is most likely IMO.

          • CQT replied to this.

            gacott Something tells them where these installations are located! And I'm talking about that all the time. As long as that is, I cannot expect this panel from my customers and servers. We had so much to do with it. Well then don't stop. Letting all installations run only via the proxy server, this will soon be down and I don't want that either.

              Okay, OVH was looking over logs, my box was also being used to carry out attacks. LITERALLY the panel was the only thing installed. Nobody else had access, passwords were good.

                gacott CQT

                I think it may be that the SESSION ID of the panel is set to a special value, which is easy to be scanned to the feature. We will deal with this in the next update.

                In addition, the data we have collected will no longer be synchronized to, I think it should not be caused by this problem

                In addition, on your server where only the panel is installed, whether the default port of the panel has been changed and whether the ssh port has been changed. Is the sshroot password strong enough?

                  I also know for a fact that sometimes, in what so called "old ip's" with several years and installations and owners, sometimes the IP's are blacklisted and/or flagged. Some hosting providers use the same IP address and hand it over to other clients. They basically format the machine and give the same machine to others, this means that the past history may follow you everywhere despite what you do with the machine, not saying this is the case in the post, but its a pretty good addon to the topic.

                    aaPanel_Jose all ports have been changed including SSH, FTP, MySql
                    and so on, in addition, the password is so strong that it cannot actually be hacked with a supercomputer in 30 years, furthermore we have secured all logins and synchronizations with a certificate. We experimented with another server (aaPanel) installation and let this run from the beginning via a proxy ( So far not a single attack !!
                    At what point are the IPs tracked?

                    These are the main Ips from which the attacks originate, we should compare them to get closer to the matter. If possible all posts here then we can spear them in the next update right from the start.

                    "","","China","","","Beijing Baidu Netcom Science and Technology Co., Ltd.","38365","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited","45090","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","Guangdong Mobile Communication Co.Ltd.","9808","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","India","Madhya Pradesh","Indore","TATA Communications formerly VSNL is Leading ISP","4755","22,7163","75,8316",""
                    "","","China","","","Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited","45090","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","Brazil","Rio de Janeiro","Rio de Janeiro","TELEFONICA BRASIL S.A","18881","-22,9201","-43,3307",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited","45090","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","United States","","","Boomer LTD","62203","37,751","-97,822",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","South Korea","","","purplestones","38661","37,5112","126,9741",""
                    "","","China","","","Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited","45090","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","Jilin","Changchun","CHINA UNICOM China169 Backbone","4837","43,88","125,3228",""
                    "","","China","","","Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited","45090","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","CHINATELECOM Xinjiang Wulumuqi MAN network","137695","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","Italy","Monza Brianza","Desio","Vodafone Italia S.p.A.","30722","45,614","9,1976",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","IDC, China Telecommunications Corporation","23724","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","Cloud Computing Corporation","58519","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","Zhejiang","Hangzhou","China Mobile communications corporation","56041","30,294","120,1619",""
                    "","","France","","","OVH SAS","16276","48,8582","2,3387",""
                    "","","Italy","Milan","Milan","Vodafone Italia S.p.A.","30722","45,4707","9,1889",""
                    "","","Poland","Mazovia","Warsaw","Liberty Global B.V.","6830","52,2088","21,0053",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited","45090","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","United States","","","BGPNET Global ASN","64050","37,751","-97,822",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","Hong Kong","Tuen Mun","Tuen Mun","HKBN Enterprise Solutions HK Limited","9381","22,4","113,9833",""
                    "","","Vietnam","Ho Chi Minh","Ho Chi Minh City","Viettel Group","7552","10,8142","106,6438",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","Argentina","Buenos Aires F.D.","Buenos Aires","Telecom Argentina S.A.","10481","-34,6021","-58,3845",""
                    "","","China","","","China Unicom Beijing Province Network","4808","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","Colombia","Departamento del Valle del Cauca","Santiago de Cali","Telmex Colombia S.A.","10620","3,4384","-76,5232",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","France","","","OVH SAS","16276","48,8582","2,3387",""
                    "","","India","","","Sify Limited","9583","20,0063","77,006",""
                    "","","South Korea","Gyeonggi-do","Seongnam-si","Korea Telecom","4766","37,4388","127,1396",""
                    "","","United States","","","Boomer LTD","62203","37,751","-97,822",""
                    "","","China","Shanghai","Shanghai","China Unicom Shanghai network","17621","31,0449","121,4012",""
                    "","","Estonia","","","Vitox Telecom","199264","59","26",""
                    "","","Russia","","","Chernyshov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich","202984","55,7386","37,6068",""
                    "","","China","","","Guangdong Mobile Communication Co.Ltd.","9808","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","Bulgaria","Sofia-Capital","Sofia","Belcloud LTD","44901","42,683","23,3175",""
                    "","","China","","","Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited","45090","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","United States","","","Boomer LTD","62203","37,751","-97,822",""
                    "","","Brazil","Para","Abaetetuba","silva souza comercio e servico de informatica ltda","264985","-1,7357","-48,9429",""
                    "","","South Korea","Seoul","Seoul","SK Broadband Co Ltd","9318","37,5985","126,9783",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","China Unicom Beijing Province Network","4808","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","Brazil","Ceara","Fortaleza","MR7 TELECOM LTDA - ME","268528","-3,7196","-38,5257",""
                    "","","United States","","","Boomer LTD","62203","37,751","-97,822",""
                    "","","India","West Bengal","Kolkata","Alliance Broadband Services Pvt. Ltd.","23860","22,5655","88,3653",""
                    "","","China","","","China Mobile communications corporation","56044","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited","45090","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","Shanghai","Shanghai","China Unicom Shanghai network","17621","31,0449","121,4012",""
                    "","","China","","","Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited","45090","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","China Telecom (Group)","4812","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited","45090","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","United States","Missouri","St Louis","CONTABO","40021","38,6364","-90,1985",""
                    "","","China","","","AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone","23650","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","United States","","","Boomer LTD","62203","37,751","-97,822",""
                    "","","China","","","Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited","45090","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","CHINATELECOM Xinjiang Wulumuqi MAN network","137695","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","Spain","Balearic Islands","Palma","Vodafone Ono, S.A.","6739","39,5661","2,6484",""
                    "","","Hong Kong","","","ICIDC NETWORK","136800","22,25","114,1667",""
                    "",".","United States","California","San Jose","PONYNET","53667","37,3387","-121,8914",""
                    "","","Indonesia","East Java","Kediri","PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia","7713","-7,8175","112,019",""
                    "","","United Kingdom","Kingston upon Thames","Surbiton","OVH SAS","16276","51,3878","-0,2945",""
                    "","","United States","Missouri","St Louis","CONTABO","40021","38,6364","-90,1985",""
                    "","","Estonia","","","Vitox Telecom","199264","59","26",""
                    "","","United States","California","San Jose","PONYNET","53667","37,3387","-121,8914",""
                    "","","United States","New York","New York","DIGITALOCEAN-ASN","14061","40,7308","-73,9975",""
                    "","","China","","","Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited","45090","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited","45090","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","China Telecom (Group)","4812","34,7725","113,7266",""
                    "","","China","","","Beijing Baidu Netcom Science and Technology Co., Ltd.","38365","34,7725","113,7266",""

                    With the ASN we can then stop these spinners