aaP_vitorgabrielgarselaz notification email not working with + from gmail when I add web+painel01@gmail.com it doesn't work, so funicona webpainel01@gmail.com or web@gmail.com this one in gmail everything that comes after that + goes to the existing email example web+1@gmail.com goes to web@gmail.com and shows that it was sent to web+1@gmail.com. and aapanel gives this email web+1@gmail.com as invalid
aaPanel_Kern aaP_vitorgabrielgarselaz Hello, thank you for your feedback, email addresses with special symbols are not currently supported
aaP_riccardo_lanzafame I Fix this problem: https://support.google.com/a/answer/10685031?sjid=17907317692632384078-EU Add Txt Dns records: SPF in your domain DNS.