Segmentation fault on Ubuntu
Hello chrispy
ubuntu20 we are still compatible
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is AApanel compatible with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS ?
Yes it works
I think I'm doing something wrong.
It is probably a Layer8 problem
chrispy thanks
it is as stable as AApanel on Centos 7?
Yes I'm on Centos 7 and work like a charm
now i'm testing Centos 8 and its seams ok - no bugs so far
on Ubuntu 20.04 i had problems with DNS Manager
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Good to know that its working fine I was going to test it too.
Dzięki za info
What did u mean with Problems?
I don´t use it :/ But aaPanel runs stable on Ubuntu 20.04
chrispy dons save settings in DNS Manager on Ubuntu 20.04