- Best Answerset by aaP_redegradios
Please use the du
command to see what is filling up your disk.
For example, if I want to check the disk usage of all directories in the /www directory, I can use the command
cd /www
du -sh *
root@bbb:~# cd /www
root@bbb:/www# du -sh *
32M 123
2.0M 1616592511-IMG_0778.PNG
1.2M 1616592538-IMG_0779.PNG
32M 2.7.18
23M 3.6.11
23M 3.7.8
2.5G aapanel
656M aapanel.tar.gz
977M backup
4.0K bjj
368K image.jpg
4.0K install.sh
16K lost+found
5.8G ova
8.0K php_session
444M python
1.5G Recycle_bin
5.0G server
3.3G server_1
4.0K test
40K vmail
1.1M wwwlogs
9.7G wwwroot