Does your database follow the necessary requirements?
PrestaShop installation requires the zip extension to be enabled.
aaPanel_Jose I have updated and
Basic Information
Version 7.3.22 Install Path /www/server/php/
php.ini /www/server/php/73/etc/php.ini
Loaded Core date libxml openssl pcre sqlite3 zlib bcmath ctype curl dom filter ftp gd gettext hash iconv intl json mbstring SPL session pcntl standard PDO mysqlnd pdo_sqlite bz2 posix Reflection pdo_mysql shmop SimpleXML soap sockets sodium mysqli sysvsem tokenizer xml xmlreader xmlrpc xmlwriter imap fileinfo memcached redis apcu imagick exif xsl swoole yac readline snmp ldap recode enchant pspell Phar sysvshm calendar gmp wddx sysvmsg ionCube Loader Zend OPcache xdebug
SqlServer No PDO-SqlServer No Sqlite3 Yes
PDO-Sqlite Yes PgSQL No PDO-PgSQL No
MongoDB No
Zend OPcache Yes Redis Yes Memcache No
Memcached Yes apcu Yes xcache No
Encryption and decryption library
Zend Optimizer No Zend Guard Loader No ionCube Loader Yes
SourceGuardian No Mcrypt No OpenSSL Yes
Iconv Yes
Image processing library
EXIF Yes GD library Yes ImageMagick Yes
Network Communication Library
cURL Yes Swoole Yes Sockets Yes
File and string processing libraries
Xmlrpc Yes FileInfo Yes Ftp Yes
Mbstring Yes bz2 Yes xsl Yes
Other third-party libraries
xDebug Yes phalcon No yaf No