aaP_audreynogueira07 I can't access my panel again. I only could once when I did the installation. But now I can't ... I put my IPV4 + port and the screen just keep white without something to show.
aaPanel_Kern aaP_audreynogueira07 Hello, please enter the security entry, if you forget, please use the command to view: bt 14
aaP_pcdrips Am facing this error while updating my php configuration details.This happen after i have done latest upgrade of aapanel.I think your latest upgrade have bug which lead to this error
aaPanel_Kern aaP_pcdrips Hello, this is a bug and we will fix it. You can modify the configuration file directly. Make sure to backup first
aaPanel_Kern Christina Hello, please wait for our repair, you can directly modify the configuration file first, as shown in the figure Copy "post_max_size" and then go to "Configuration file" and press Ctrl+F to search
aaP_abubakarabdurrahman303 hi @aaPanel_Jose aaPanel_Kern @Aapanel please i need help. I installed aapanel in my ec2 in AWS but when i install the aapanel after i get the link to go to the panel I`m not able to go there(the admin panel) i try all the alternate ports but it still didn't work this is the ip address and port that i get after the successful installation http://xxxxxxxxxxx:7800/ which is my servers public address please help me
aaPanel_Kern aaP_abubakarabdurrahman303 Hello, please check whether the aapanel port is open in the AWS security group.
aaP_abubakarabdurrahman303 aaPanel_Kern please sorry but i didn`t understand did you mean that i should go to my network config and allow some ports like in inboud rules at firewall?. if its that i allow anything even ssh i allow it as any type ip address
aaPanel_Kern aaP_abubakarabdurrahman303 Are you sure you have selected the right server? It is recommended that you consult the AWS official
aaP_abubakarabdurrahman303 aaPanel_Kern okay and now through the server i change the port to 8888 but still didnt work this is now my login please do something sir. aaPanel default info! aaPanel Internet Address: https://xxxxxxx:8888/6d3c31ce aaPanel Internal Address: https://xxxx:8888/6d3c31ce username: qnpelmp7 password: c41bd6e9 Warning: If you cannot access the panel, release the following port (7800|888|80|443|20|21) in the security group ubuntu@ip-172-31-85-199:~$
aaPanel_Kern aaP_abubakarabdurrahman303 Hello, please check whether the system firewall and aws security group open port 8888 The following is the command of the system firewall to check whether the relevant port is open /sbin/ufw status firewall-cmd --list-all The security group of aws tries to add a new port 8888 according to the rules of SSH
aaPanel_Kern aaP_abubakarabdurrahman303 This shows that the system firewall is open, and the security group of aws is not open. The security group of aws tries to add a new port 8888 according to the rules of SSH