TheWormsUnited norge so did you install the aapanel first and then made an update to the php version for a domain name?
aaPanel_Jose norge After the software installation is complete or cannot be installed, there is an installation log here, can you show it to me?
norge aaPanel_Jose sorry i couldnt attach picture the site was crashing. but like you asked the log is at the link
aaPanel_Jose norge I tried to install using debian9, it works fine, can I log in to your server and check?
norge NoobRogue yes you can install multiple php versions. when hosting site on aapanel you can choose which php version that site uses
aaPanel_Kern MikeChiz Hello, the panel does not have a default php. Use the command to switch the php version here Execute the command first to cancel the default version unalias php
aaP_itproject_dmitry aaPanel_Kern Hi. after changing the version. scripts are not executed via the command line. and Jean does not output the php version. I have installed php81 by default.