Hello, I am having problems like other people when installing the password plugin, it works but when making the change, the account cannot be accessed again with that password, and it is necessary to enter and change it from the aapnael mail manager.
How can I check what is wrong? the key is probably being incorrectly stored in the database.
[10-Apr-2021 02:04:15 +0800]: <t6441mc0> Password changed for user diego@hmundo.com (ID: 1) from
error.log after login try
[10-Apr-2021 02:13:59 +0800]: <34odd2rh> IMAP Error: Login failed for diego@hmundo.com against localhost from AUTHENTICATE PLAIN: Authentication failed. in /www/wwwroot/webmail.hmundo.com/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_imap.php on line 200 (POST /?task=login&action=login)