huang [deleted] Thanks to your answer , I solve the icon problem . But the protect time is 73 days when I reinstall it . Do you know how to solve this problem ?
huang aaPanel_Jose Hey engineer , how to solve the protect time is 73 Days when I install this plugin ? Thanks .
darb So it is no longer free? Or you just have to register at If so, problem, I don't read or write chinese. So are my panel/website running with a WAF? Poorly executed in any case.
aaPanel_Jose darb Stealth Free software will not become paid~ The Chinese on the panel is because we modified the interface in order to escape the software list of please try to click on the fix panel and then click app store update app list
Stealth aaPanel_Jose Oh, thank god. But can´t understand this Free firewall, how long is free? Anytime can switch to "buy me"?
juniorrrrr Stealth As I understand it, the paid version is only for the panel, in aaPanel it is free forever.
JAY juniorrrrr bt panel is Chinese version and there free and paid addons aapanel is english version and there will be free and paid addons
Stealth I no have problem pay monthly a little anything, but don´t deactivate from minute the minute the security... 🙂
Stealth JAY Because I try Plesk and in monthly license isn't security. +30 dollars only the security plugin, and there is WP optimizer.. etc and all must buy, never is ending... CentOS webpanel have perfect price, is for 1.49 dollar monthly and everything all included. But I can work only with Debian... +every help of support you pay around 30 dollars...
JAY Stealth dont worry even aapanel will be same cost one day by adding more addons this all are going to come here and you can estimate the price yourself
[deleted] Can @aaPanel_Jose please update in next releases the Python _Mamager_ name to **Python _Manager**