zimbabwee yes same problem white me :-(
zimbabwee yes same problem white me :-(
horasjey wait jose or aapanelkern.. i use professional edition pls reply mod 😄
aaPanel_Kern my site white screen after try ths,need follow step in original post ?
aaPanel_Kern works now, how to purge ? try nginx helper failed purge
aaPanel_Kern Help me, I just replaced the enable-php-73.conf; with include enable-php-73.conf; Cache seems to work well, but I can't do Purge Cache through Nginx Helper. I tried to delete the cache
/dev/shm/nginx-cache/wp but the same WordPress I still display the cache version, it's been 12 hours since I made changes to the theme but never appeared 🙁
aaPanel_Kern Replaced with:
include enable-php-74-wpfastcgi.conf;
if my website is not wordpress , is it the same as the code line ..?
Hello, enter the relevant website plug-ins to clean up
aaPanel_Kern only WordPress...?
aaPanel_Kern fastcgi chahce Onlt WordPress or not..?
The configuration of the panel only supports wordpress, and others need to be configured by you
aaPanel_Kern noted!
I have tried to install on wordpress,
but my website becomes like this
Hi, please check the site error log
solved sir,
whre i can check static file chahce on my vps?
aaPanel_Kern why i update post , website not update for client..?
aaPanel_Kern /www/server/nginx/proxy_cache_dir/
blank directory proxsy_cache_dir
aaPanel_Kern /dev/shm/nginx-cache/wp/
for direcroty wp
Hi, check if you need to set additional configuration? It is recommended to check on the website of the website program provider
Or try clearing server cache and browser cache
horasjey Look at my previous response to this one in this thread.