szone Hi I am using a plugin WordFence for security. It wants to modify .user.ini file. However the owner of file is root, I want to change it's owner from root to www, so that it becomes writable. However unable to do that. Can anyone guide?
aaPanel_Jose szone .user.ini is the file that is locked. If you need to modify it, please use the command to unlock it first. chattr -i .user.ini
aaP_servantofyhwh7 Hello aaPanel_Jose, chattr -i .user.ini does not run in the ubuntnu server 20.04 ssh terminal, jsut return =s and error. How would I run this
aaPanel_Kern aaP_servantofyhwh7 Hello, do you have to enter the directory of the site and then execute the command? Such as: /www/wwwroot/