aaPanel_Jose i tried the demo response null
API interface tutorial
Get a list of websites is only show PHP Project, not show Nodejs or Python project
aaP_RHEA Hi, i just put PR to your project, glad to help for little.
my ip has added into the whitelist and token was right,but my request just return 502: Bad Gateway
aaPanel_Jose my ip has added into the whitelist, and my bt_key is right ,but each time response 502 bat gateway
aaPanel_Jose I can use .net call api aapanel, yes?
The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception. When i call api by domain with https
Help me
Help me allow all IP access API, please
Add your ip to the api, it is risky to open the api
Cannot configure API through API interface,
I want use API for add IP whitelist but it not success, can you help me
Hello, it is recommended that you monitor directly by visiting the website link.
hello. Can somebody help me with info about how I can use API for adding and deleting IP to/from SYS Firewall? I tried this /index.php?s=/api/firewall/addIP but 404, than I tried /firewall?action=addIP but {"status": false, "msg": "Specific parameters are invalid!"}Array
[status] =>
[msg] => Specific parameters are invalid!
What I must insert to make this function working?
Hello, can I install the application that I need through the API?
How to get id_domain form a domain?
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './c3512eb2000dd1022d1c03d579ed1761.cookie'
I want to ask you
Are you planning to make a swagger for the API?
or where you can find a complete list of possibilities. There is very little information in the documentation
update pls I dont see no docs nothing pls fix specially for the amount of money im going to pay for this bull
API documentation (unfinished): https://www.aapanel.com/Document/api.pdf
PHP-Demo: https://www.bt.cn/api_demo_php.zip
Python-Demo: https://www.bt.cn/api_demo_python.zip
Hello, you can press F12 from the browser to get the interface
I trying aapanel api.
I created php project is working.
But i don't know for node project.
How to create node project with api.