My server is running Ubuntu server 20.04.2
My cron job doesn't run automatically and has to be executed manually to work. There is an error state:
root@server:~# systemctl restart cron
root@server:~# systemctl status cron
● cron.service - Regular background program processing daemon
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/cron.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2021-08-21 16:19:55 WIT; 53s ago
Docs: man:cron(8)
Main PID: 13217 (cron)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 4654)
Memory: 360.0K
CGroup: /system.slice/cron.service
└─13217 /usr/sbin/cron -f
Aug 21 16:19:55 panel.example.com systemd[1]: Started Regular background program processing daemon.
Aug 21 16:19:55 panel.example.com cron[13217]: (CRON) INFO (pidfile fd = 3)
Aug 21 16:19:55 panel.example.com cron[13217]: Error: bad day-of-week; while reading crontab for user root
Aug 21 16:19:55 panel.example.com cron[13217]: (root) ERROR (Syntax error, this crontab file will be ignored)
Aug 21 16:19:55 panel.example.com cron[13217]: (CRON) INFO (Skipping @reboot jobs -- not system startup)
crontab -l :
10 0 * * * /www/server/cron/3ab48c27ec99cb9787749c362afae517 >> /www/server/cron/3ab48c27ec99cb9787749c362afae517.log 2>&1
30 1 * * 7 /www/server/cron/322ab3144a907dd004eca472221d511b >> /www/server/cron/322ab3144a907dd004eca472221d511b.log 2>&1
30 1 * * 0 /www/server/cron/84fa69d03b8f9111ee26236b7514faf2 >> /www/server/cron/84fa69d03b8f9111ee26236b7514faf2.log 2>&1
30 3 * * /www/server/cron/02dad8ec4cea6ae3e4c9a604e9b1debc >> /www/server/cron/02dad8ec4cea6ae3e4c9a604e9b1debc.log 2>&1
30 7 * * /www/server/cron/e25a49d3433709e31e0bf30c08653bcb >> /www/server/cron/e25a49d3433709e31e0bf30c08653bcb.log 2>&1
30 8 * * /www/server/cron/af8dbbe45b5771ae4fc1c88b32bf0276 >> /www/server/cron/af8dbbe45b5771ae4fc1c88b32bf0276.log 2>&1
30 9 * * /www/server/cron/2e82e6f77b644768dc3a91ac820f05b2 >> /www/server/cron/2e82e6f77b644768dc3a91ac820f05b2.log 2>&1
30 9 * * /www/server/cron/d122970047a2a58bb73de88a0d67eaa6 >> /www/server/cron/d122970047a2a58bb73de88a0d67eaa6.log 2>&1
30 9 * * /www/server/cron/4eea55ab20fe170e7eb8b18594b3cc6d >> /www/server/cron/4eea55ab20fe170e7eb8b18594b3cc6d.log 2>&1
30 10 * * /www/server/cron/10fca894898626770ad086162f6487c6 >> /www/server/cron/10fca894898626770ad086162f6487c6.log 2>&1
30 11 * * /www/server/cron/aa82989259bec43f3885226c7431f5e7 >> /www/server/cron/aa82989259bec43f3885226c7431f5e7.log 2>&1
30 12 * * /www/server/cron/b55641d14f7e8a8e43f5111bea2df42d >> /www/server/cron/b55641d14f7e8a8e43f5111bea2df42d.log 2>&1
30 2 * * 0 /www/server/cron/7fee091081f8545ea3d595cdf5e77157 >> /www/server/cron/7fee091081f8545ea3d595cdf5e77157.log 2>&1
*/1 * * * * /www/server/cron/b9045bd65c2ea8910c83121f76d8a385 >> /www/server/cron/b9045bd65c2ea8910c83121f76d8a385.log 2>&1
how to make cron jobs work normally?
Thank you...