rafaelfmachado Hello, I was checking and a new version of swoole came out, I would like to know if it is possible to update in aapanel, and what procedure to be done to update it. Swoole PHP 4.6.7 released Swoole Version 4.6.7 Github
aapanel_power rafaelfmachado Thank you for your feedback, we will arrange to update it as soon as possible, good luck!
rafaelfmachado Its a new update a swoole. https://github.com/swoole/swoole-src/releases/tag/v4.8.0 is possible update to aapanel ?
rafaelfmachado Its a new update a swoole https://github.com/swoole/swoole-src/releases/tag/v4.8.7 Is possible update to aapanel ???? Thank`s